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Change stream是什么?官方文档:

Change streams allow applications to access real-time data changes without the complexity and risk of tailing the oplog. Applications can use change streams to subscribe to all data changes on a single collection, a database, or an entire deployment, and immediately react to them. Because change streams use the aggregation framework, applications can also filter for specific changes or transform the notifications at will.

这里我们利用change stream来做实时的主从复制。网上没有找到相应的方案,想必是因为直接的做法可能是通过replica set来完成,不会手动进行主从复制。但业务层是有这样的需求的,比如跨地区的异构集群数据备份。

已有的轮子只找到了 MongoShake 。但MongoShake毕竟不是商业项目,代码拉下来运行时发现并不能在我们的环境中正常工作:

  • TLS验证有些问题,通过修改源码解决了
  • all同步模式下,只能通过oplog进行了全量复制,在用change stream进行增量复制时不停抛错,无法正常运行


好消息是在MongoDB v3.6之后有了change stream功能,再加上我们使用MongoDB Ops Manager做分片集群的管理,可以轻松地做快照恢复,那么主从复制要做的就是从快照时间点之后重放实时的改动。


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By the official manual:

Change streams allow applications to access real-time data changes without the complexity and risk of tailing the oplog. Applications can use change streams to subscribe to all data changes on a single collection, a database, or an entire deployment, and immediately react to them. Because change streams use the aggregation framework, applications can also filter for specific changes or transform the notifications at will.

Here we leverage change stream to replicate data from one MongoDB to another in realtime.

There is some existing tools such as MongoShake do the same thing. However, MongoShake is a little bit complicated to use. We encoutered two issues:

  • Modify the source code to use TLS authentication
  • Cannot perform increment sync in all sync_mode

Since our goal is realtime replication, we choose a more straightforward and controllable way: MongoDB Ops Manager cluster restore and change stream to apply realtime changes.

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MongoDB change stream is a nice feature. It allows applications to access real-time data changes without the complexity and risk of tailing the oplog.

Recently, when we use change stream to replicate data from one sharded cluster to another, it immediately made the cluster unstable (broke down several nodes and triggered the primary change). Then the read/write operations latency significantly increased.

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升级Hexo到v8.5.0之后,发现mathjax不能正确显示公式。看了下文档,发现推荐的hexo renderer是hexo-renderer-pandoc,而目前使用的是hexo-renderer-kramed,而且这个包已经不再更新也不推荐使用了。


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卜算子自嘲 丁元英

本是后山人, 偶做前堂客。 醉舞经阁半卷书, 坐井说天阔。

大志戏功名, 海斗量福祸。 论到囊中羞涩时, 怒指乾坤错。

Recently I found that the Google auto ads significantly slows down the page loading speed. There are also many discussions about this. As a static website, fast loading speed is crutial. In this post, we will optimize the PageSpeed Insights score by delay loading auto ads.

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# 提升Hexo NexT主题加载速度 中留了个尾巴,优化到最后发现最影响PageSpeed Insights得分的竟然是Google Auto Ads。 这里 有个有意思的讨论,说加上auto ads之后页面加载得分显著变低,采纳答案说“你啥也做不了,也不用care”,下面有人反对这个观点,加载速度评测认为网站慢就会导致搜索排序降低。我赞成后者的观点,风一样的加载速度即我所欲也,本来无一物,何处惹尘埃!

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网站加载速度是影响搜索引擎排名的一个重要因素。# Google Page Speed Insight 是个很好的网页性能分析工具,可以根据它的分析结果有针对性地对网页进行优化。


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