Finisky Garden

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Using MongoDB in .NET is easy. However, there are two ways to manipulate the documents in C# code: raw bson document or stronly-typed document. In this article, we will compare the difference of them by examples. Basically, strongly-typed collection is preferred unless you have strong reason to use weakly-typed document (different types in the same collection?).

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Exception: Command update failed: Encountered error from mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017 during a transaction :: caused by :: WriteConflict error: this operation conflicted with another operation. Please retry your operation or multi-document transaction..


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MongoDB transaction is a nice feature. Although MongoDB uses optimistic concurrency control, write conflict is unavoidable. The situation becomes worse in multi-document transaction which modifies many documents in one transaction. If a write conflict happens, a MongoDBCommandException will be thrown:

Exception: Command update failed: Encountered error from mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017 during a transaction :: caused by :: WriteConflict error: this operation conflicted with another operation. Please retry your operation or multi-document transaction..

How to handle the writeconflict error in MongoDB?

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Today I try to import an existing MongoDB deployment (out of the kubernetes cluster) into MongoDB Ops Manager which is running in kubernetes. After installing MongoDB Agent to the deployment, only automation functionality works while monitoring and backup not work. The root cause is that the agent still try to post data into Ops Manager's internal endpoint.

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I have a sharded cluster (2 shards, each 3 mongods; 3 config server, 2 mongoses) which is deployed by MongoDB Ops Manager.

Last week, one of the shard host status was shown as a grey diamond (Hover: "Last Ping: Never"). Besides, in the Ops Manager's server page, a server had two processes (e.g. sharddb-0 and sharddb-config). However, the cluster still works well and we can list the host sharddb-0-0(shard 0, replica 0) in the mongo shell by sh.status() and rs.status(). What's wrong with the cluster?

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在一个分片MongoDB集群上并发执行transaction时遇到许多MongoCommandException错误: code 251, codename NoSuchTransaction:

Command find failed: cannot continue txnId 4 for session 38604515-2584-45a5-a17a-5eb5d34ea6c4 - = with txnId 5. Command find failed: cannot continue txnId 4 for session 38604515-2584-45a5-a17a-5eb5d34ea6c4 - = with txnId 6. Command insert failed: cannot continue txnId 31 for session 3ed7ea61-eae1-440f-8d95-b6e066b35b69 - = with txnId 34.

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When I execute MongoDB transactions in parallel, I encounter lots of MongoCommandException: code 251, codename NoSuchTransaction:

Command find failed: cannot continue txnId 4 for session 38604515-2584-45a5-a17a-5eb5d34ea6c4 - = with txnId 5. Command find failed: cannot continue txnId 4 for session 38604515-2584-45a5-a17a-5eb5d34ea6c4 - = with txnId 6. Command insert failed: cannot continue txnId 31 for session 3ed7ea61-eae1-440f-8d95-b6e066b35b69 - = with txnId 34.

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MongoDB sharded cluster is the most complicated architecture. The deployment of sharded cluster in Kubernetes is relatively hard. We will go through the deployment process by MongoDB Ops Manager in this post.

Before start, please go through the Create a UserDB ReplicaSet first.

A MongoDB sharded cluster consists of the following components: - shard: Each shard contains a subset of the sharded data. Each shard can be deployed as a replica set. - mongos: The mongos acts as a query router, providing an interface between client applications and the sharded cluster. - config servers: Config servers store metadata and configuration settings for the cluster.

In this post, we are going to create a sharded cluster with 2 shards (3 instances replica set), 2 mongos and 3 config servers.

MongoDB Ops Manager Series:

  1. Install MongoDB Ops Manager
  2. Create a UserDB ReplicaSet
  3. Expose UserDB to Public
  4. Openssl Generates Self-signed Certificates
  5. Enable UserDB TLS and Auth
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Sharded cluster是MongoDB部署中最复杂的形式,因为Sharded cluster的组件较多,部署步骤也更为繁琐。在实际部署中还有几个部署ReplicaSet时没遇到的证书和TLS问题。阅读本文前,强烈建议先阅读 创建用户数据库(replicaset) 作为基础。

一个Sharded cluster由三部分构成:

  • shard server: 存储一部分数据,每个shard可由一个replica set构成。
  • mongos: query router,可以认为是整个cluster的前端,客户端通过mongos与cluster交互。
  • config server: 存储cluster的metadata。

本文以创建一个2个Shard(每个由3实例ReplicaSet构成),2个mongos及3个config server的sharded cluster为例,演示具体部署流程。本文可做为Kubernetes部署MongoDB集群的番外篇。


  1. 安装MongoDB Ops Manager
  2. 创建用户数据库(replicaset)
  3. 用户数据库服务配置公网访问
  4. openssl生成自签名CA证书和server证书
  5. 打开用户数据库TLS通信加密和Auth授权
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