Finisky Garden

NLP, 软件工程, 产品设计

Transaction systems are at the heart of modern commerce and financial activities, spanning a wide range of scenarios from e-commerce order processing to real-time settlements in financial institutions. Such systems demand high concurrency handling, real-time data storage, and efficient retrieval capabilities, all while balancing data consistency and performance. As transaction data continues to grow in scale and complexity, traditional transaction system architectures often struggle to meet these challenges due to rigid table structures and limited horizontal scalability.

MongoDB, as a distributed document-oriented database, provides a modern solution for building complex and efficient transaction systems. With its flexible schema design, high throughput capabilities, and built-in transaction support, MongoDB addresses diverse business needs effectively.

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MongoDB 作为一款分布式文档型数据库,以其灵活的架构、高吞吐能力和内置的事务支持,为构建复杂、高效的交易系统提供了一种现代化的解决方案,能够满足多样化的业务需求。

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Received a certificate renewal notification from Tencent Cloud, but when applying for a new certificate, I found out that Tencent Cloud no longer offers free one-year certificates:

Starting from April 25, 2024, the validity period of new free certificates issued by Tencent Cloud will be adjusted to 90 days.

Since I’ve always updated certificates manually, doing it every three months feels quite tedious. So, I decided to explore Certbot from Let's Encrypt. My only concern was how to prove ownership of a subdomain. After trying it out, I realized this wasn’t an issue at all, as Certbot only issues certificates and doesn’t pose any threat to the website itself.

Here are the configuration steps for Certbot. In fact, it’s very simple and only requires running a few commands.

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2024年4月25日起,腾讯云新签发的免费证书有效期调整为 90 天

考虑到一直是手动更新证书,如果三个月手动操作一次还是挺费劲的。于是研究Let's Encrypt的certbot,唯一的顾虑是如何证明自己对二级域名的所有权问题。实践之后发现此问题并不存在,因为certbot仅是签发一个证书而已,并不存在对网站本身的威胁。


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去之前在小红书上做了些功课,主要是两点:提前办无接触信用卡(contactless card)和治安不好。其他就是常规操作,出发前两天买旅行险,提前在淘宝上买电话卡(用的giffgaff,信号还可以)。


  • 无接触卡非常必要,一分钱现金也没花,全带回来了。
  • 总体治安尚可,肯定不像小红书上说得那么夸张,当地朋友告诉我们治安非常好。同行的朋友确实遭遇了抢手机,虽然没抢走,但也受了点小伤。
  • 吃得还不错,不需要带泡面,当地的英式早餐、英国菜、印度菜和意大利菜都挺好吃,不是传说中的“美食荒漠”。
  • 酒店比较贵。
  • 购物不太行,不像美国日本那么好买,许多品牌比国内贵。


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Nowadays, many popular apps incorporate social network features, such as Twitter, WhatsApp, and Facebook. These platforms need to scale to accommodate billions of users (graph nodes), which is no small feat. Building and maintaining a scalable social network infrastructure requires careful planning and strategic data modeling. In fact, specialized social networking applications like Facebook have dedicated teams focusing solely on optimizing their performance to the highest level. However, for smaller apps or startup projects looking to add social networking capabilities, creating a full team to handle such architecture is often impractical and unnecessary.

So, is it possible to build a high-performance, scalable social network using the right data modeling and storage solutions? The answer is yes. Early versions of Facebook used MySQL as the underlying storage to construct their social network, but today we have more advanced and efficient storage options available: MongoDB.

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如今许多App都涉及社交网络,如 Twitter、WhatsApp 和 Facebook。这些平台必须扩展以处理数十亿用户(图节点),这并非易事。构建和维护一个可扩展的社交网络基础设施需要仔细的规划和战略性的数据建模。实际上,像Facebook这样专业的社交网络应用有专门的团队来做这块内容,对其性能进行极致的优化。但对于许多希望加入社交网络功能的小型App,如一个创业公司项目,建立一个团队来做这样的架构显然是不现实也没有必要的。


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在conda环境中升级软件包后,talib无法接受DataFrame作为输入,错误信息如下所示:TypeError: Argument 'xxx' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got DataFrame)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/", line 7, in <module>
    df['SMA_5'] = ta.SMA(df['Close'], timeperiod=5)
  File "/data/miniconda3/envs/a/lib/python3.10/site-packages/talib/", line 64, in wrapper
    result = func(*_args, **_kwds)
TypeError: Argument 'real' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got DataFrame)


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After upgrading packages in a conda env, talib cannot accept dataframe as input, the error message looks like TypeError: Argument 'xxx' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got DataFrame):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/", line 7, in <module>
    df['SMA_5'] = ta.SMA(df['Close'], timeperiod=5)
  File "/data/miniconda3/envs/a/lib/python3.10/site-packages/talib/", line 64, in wrapper
    result = func(*_args, **_kwds)
TypeError: Argument 'real' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got DataFrame)

Most of the web search results are misleading, like changing the df into np array. Since the code works before updating packages, the problem should be package incompatibility issue.

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Today, I encountered a strange issue in Windows 11 where the D drive was visible in the Disk Management tool but not in File Explorer. I searched online for many solutions, such as updating drivers in Device Manager, disabling and re-enabling the device, using diskpart to delete and recreate the partition, changing the volume label, changing the drive letter, etc., but none worked.

Problem Description

  • A new D drive, visible in diskmgmt.msc Disk Management, everything seemed normal. It could even be accessed in File Explorer (though the drive wasn’t displayed in the left sidebar).
  • The D drive could be used normally, such as via the command line.
  • Changing the drive letter to “E” or another letter made it visible in File Explorer, but switching it back to “D” caused it to disappear again.
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