Finisky Garden

NLP, 软件工程, 产品设计

Today, I encountered a strange issue in Windows 11 where the D drive was visible in the Disk Management tool but not in File Explorer. I searched online for many solutions, such as updating drivers in Device Manager, disabling and re-enabling the device, using diskpart to delete and recreate the partition, changing the volume label, changing the drive letter, etc., but none worked.

Problem Description

  • A new D drive, visible in diskmgmt.msc Disk Management, everything seemed normal. It could even be accessed in File Explorer (though the drive wasn’t displayed in the left sidebar).
  • The D drive could be used normally, such as via the command line.
  • Changing the drive letter to “E” or another letter made it visible in File Explorer, but switching it back to “D” caused it to disappear again.
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今天遇到Win11中 D 盘在磁盘管理工具中显示可用,但在文件管理器中却不可见的诡异情况。网上搜了许多方案,如在设备管理器中更新驱动,禁用再启用设备,用diskpart重新删除新建分区,改卷标改盘符等等都不好使。


  • 新建D盘,在diskmgmt.msc磁盘管理器中可见,一切正常。甚至能打开文件浏览器(只是左栏不显示磁盘)
  • D盘可正常使用,如在命令行中使用
  • 修改盘符为“E”或其他盘符,文件浏览器中就可见了,但改回“D”又会消失
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Use az cli to query multiple fields of VM information. Here we need to use JMESPath language to implement it.

Typically, we will use az vm show to get the detailed VM information:

$ az vm show -g Linux -n alpha -d -o table
Name    ResourceGroup    PowerState    PublicIps     Fqdns    Location    Zones
------  ---------------  ------------  ------------  -------  ----------  -------
alpha   Linux            VM running           eastasia    1
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[SIGIR2024] # Large Language Models can Accurately Predict Searcher Preferences

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大语言模型在各种与语言相关的任务中表现出了显著的零样本泛化能力,包括搜索引擎。然而,现有的工作主要利用LLM的生成能力进行信息检索,而不是直接进行段落排序。这篇EMNLP2023的论文(Outstanding Paper)研究了LLM是否擅长搜索排序的问题。

# Is ChatGPT Good at Search? Investigating Large Language Models as Re-Ranking Agents

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之前写过深度检索模型的介绍:# 深度文本检索模型:DPR, PolyEncoders, DCBERT, ColBERT,今天来看看DeepMind在NeurIPS 2024上的文章,对多向量检索模型(Multi-Vector Retrieval)ColBERT进行了改进:

Rethinking the Role of Token Retrieval in Multi-Vector Retrieval

多向量检索模型由于使Query与Doc进行词元级别的交互,因此在许多信息检索基准测试中达到了SOTA。然而,其非线性评分函数无法扩展到数百万个文档,这就需要一个三阶段的推理过程:通过词元检索检索初始候选,访问所有词元向量,并对初始候选文档进行评分。非线性评分函数应用于每个候选文档的所有词元向量,使得推理过程复杂且缓慢。XTR 引入了新的目标函数,鼓励模型首先检索最重要的文档词元,对词元检索的改进使得 XTR 可以仅使用检索到的词元来对候选文档排序,而不是文档中的所有词元,因此其成本比 ColBERT 低两到三个数量级。在流行的 BEIR 基准测试中,XTR 在没有任何蒸馏的情况下,将 NDCG@10 提升了 2.8。


  • 仅使用检索到的doc token而非全部doc token进行相似度计算
  • 解决了检索训练和推理之间的gap
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Here’s why AI search engines really can’t kill Google



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After upgrading Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to Ubuntu 22.04LTS, the server always freezes after ~10 minutes. All services are down, cannot ssh, connect to serial console but cannot input. However, this issue never happen before release upgrade.

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Cannot believe that Word has such a bug: when tracking changes, wildcard replacement cannot correctly work.

I want to batch replace English parentheses with Chinese parentheses, so I use wildcard replacement:

Find What: \((*)\)
Options: Use Wildcards
Replace With: (\1)

For example, for "(abc)", the expected result is "(abc)", however, the result is "abc()".

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