Finisky Garden

NLP, 软件工程, 产品设计

Yesterday, when I login to my VM I found that the disk is full. Even a tab command completion cannot be done. I immediately delete some unused files and the system works. However, when I reboot the system, it stucked at A start job is running for Create Volatile Files and Directories...:

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老式荧光灯的构造比较复杂,启辉器+镇流器+灯管,T5/T8 22W 环形灯管20块左右,对应镇流器30块左右。用过日光灯的都知道,启辉器有多容易坏……花50块钱换一堆淘汰不禁用的东西,不大划算。 Old Lamp Original

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After I changed the HOME folder to another place, I copied the ssh config folder from old HOME to the new place. Supposedly it should directly work, right? However, when I login the server with my private key, the server said: "Server Refused Our Key"...

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Unity supports three ways of registering types:

  • Instance registration
  • Type registration
  • Factory registration

Typically, Instance registration and Type registration resolve dependencies through ResolvedParameter<T>, while Factory registration resolve dependencies by a factory delegate. In practice, when you want to resolve a List<T> or Dictionary<T1, T2>, Factory registration is what you want. Let's go through how to resolve a collection of customized classes.

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QuickSort 快速排序是常见的考察代码基本功面试题。简洁易读的实现可以一定程度展现面试者的代码功底。


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Google Ads是许多独立博客赢利维持自身运转的方案之一。不过近些年前已经不大流行了,因为转化率低,没有很大的基础流量支持,其实很难赚到钱。独立博客的流量如果不做PR的话,主要还是靠搜索引擎。而提升流量的根本需要有对应的用户群,相较而言,微信公众号、头条号上的平台流量足够大,用户粘度更高,赢利方式也更为多样,对作者来说更易变现。现在这年头还玩独立博客的人,我想都是有一份自己的坚持,一块独立的领地,完全自由掌控的感觉,想靠这个赚钱还是算了。

言归正传,说说Google AdSense如何添加到博客里。

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If you use Visual Studio 2017 and create an .NET Core projects the first time, the following errors might appear:

The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET Standard 2.0. Either target .NET Standard 1.6 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET Standard 2.0. XXXProject C:Files (x86)Visual Studio\2017.NET.Sdk.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets

Another related issue is .NET Core project load failed. Both errors point out that the corresponding .NET SDK is missing.

If you follow the instructions to install .NET Core SDK with a random version from here: . Most likely that the issue cannot be resolved.

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Recently we use Grafana to monitor ASP.NET Core apps. We have an interesting observation that sometimes the "allocated memory" is larger than "working set". After investigation, we found the root cause is that the app uses native dlls which operates on unmanaged memory which is not managed by GC. Therefore, how to correctly collect memory related metrics in C#?

We will explain these related concepts in this post.

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