8 月 1 日起,LeanCloud 国际版共享域名不再向中国大陆提供服务
为履行合规责任,降低平台风险,LeanCloud 国际版共享域名将于 2022 年 8 月 1 日起不再向中国大陆的最终用户提供服务,国际版共享域名仅服务于海外用户。
因此,考虑将本站去LeanCloud依赖。方法很简单,将文章阅读量切换至Waline,同时Waline的后端存储改用MongoDB。去依赖需要你有一台服务器,自建MongoDB,或者直接使用 MongoDB Atlas的免费版 。
Static website such as Hexo/Hugo/Jekyll is very popular recent years. It is fast, easy to write, deploy and host. However, no free lunch: it is non-trivial to store dynamic information such as pageview counts and comments under the serverless architecture. This site uses Waline to implement article view count and comment system.
Accidently I found that we do not have a full site pageview counter. Waline has post-level counter instead of site-level one.
Just DIY: FiniCounter. Use Vercel serverless function as the web API framework, MongoDB as the storage. When a user comes to any page of the site, we invoke the count API through fetch API, increment the counter in the MongoDB, return the updated value and display in the page.
Initially I want to develop a tool for myself. After I finish it, I decide to make it as a public free service :-) . FiniCounter looks like this:
突然发现缺少一个全站访问量统计的功能,Waline目前不支持。大多数静态网站使用不蒜子,但看到由于使用人数众多,常常出现502错误和服务不稳定的情况。遂考虑自行开发这样的一个服务:FiniCounter。使用Vercel Serverless Function作为Web框架,MongoDB为后端存储。用户访问任意页面时,通过Fetch API调用Serverless Function,在MongoDB中计数加1并返回最新计数,在前端展示。
本想开发个小工具自己用,后来发现天然支持多用户,独乐乐不如众乐乐,大家一起用吧 :-)。效果展示:FiniCounter。
Stylish used to be an excellent Chrome extension. It is able to customize css style for any website. I used this extension to change font to Monaco for many years.
Unfortunately, a recent auto update (July 6, 2022) makes it completely unusable: seems that the custom css style is applied after loading the page, so the page will keep the original font until finished loading the whole page and suddenly change to the custom style. Besides, the extension UI has a big change which cannot load properly.
Check the latest user review and found lots of 1 star bad review:
So I investigate how to rollback to an old version Stylish and disable update.
After Deploy Hexo From
Private Repository to GitHub Pages, we encounter many issues: GitHub Checkout Action
Preserve File Modification Time, and now some posts' permalinks date
may shift one day. For instance, assume the original markdown date is
2020-07-13 00:50:05
, the generated permalinks date becomes
. Since the permalinks changed, search engines
will regard these posts are not found which impact the SEO
使用 #
从私有代码库自动部署Hexo站到GitHub Pages 之后,真是幺娥子迭出:先是
,现在又发现有些页面的永久链接的日期会差一天,比如markdown写的是2020-07-13 00:50:05