Finisky Garden

NLP, 软件工程, 产品设计

Master-slave replication is widely used in production. Monitoring the replication lag is a common and critical task. Typically, we are able to get the real-time difference between the master and the slave by periodically checking the Seconds_Behind_Master variable.

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博客越写越多,将markdown源文件备份到github变得非常重要。github pages要求免费账户的username.github.io必须是public repository。网上主要有两种方案,一个是用hexo-git-backup插件,另一个是在username.github.io上创建另一个分支进行备份。


考虑到hexo-deployer-git使用的是.deploy_git目录,与源文件所在目录无关。那么最简单的方案是新开一个repository (public/private均可),让本地博客文件夹直接track这个新的repository即可。同时注意把不必要的文件和目录用.gitignore去除。

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We developed a REST API long time ago and recently found that the released client has a flaw: the HttpRequestMessage is missing content-type application/json. In earlier version we manually deserialize the request json by reading the request body but now we leverage AspNetCore framework to automatically get the request structure from the API parameter. However, the legacy client will not work: HTTP 415 "Unsupported Media Type" error happens.

Therefore, for backward compatibility, we need to make the server treat all coming requests as application/json even it is a plain text (by default).

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Someone may argue that there is no reason to disable ipv6 on Linux. For me, the reason is that in some ipv6-enabled website, I frequently be classified as a bot who need to solve captcha which is really annoying :-( . Consider the ipv6 address is never change (assigned by service provider), disable ipv6 is the simplest solution.

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When we use entity framework to manipulate SQL database, we use where to query and include to load related entities (join operation).

Sample database table schema: Employee: Id, Name, Age Salary: Id, BasePay

Typical query scenarios:

  • Query employee 3's name => Employee.Where(x => x.Id == 3)
  • Query employee Jack's age => Employee.Where(x => x.Name == "Jack")
  • Query employee Jack's basepay => Employee.Where(x => x.Name == "Jack").Include(x => x.Salary) ...

To make the code clean and focus, the following examples will not include dbContext creation logic, we assume db = DbContext() which contains the Employee table.

For code reuse purpose, we may extract a common method like this:

Employee GetEntity(Func<Employee, bool> whereFunc, Func<DbSet<Employee>, IQueryable<Employee>> navigationFunc = null)
    IQueryable<Employee> query = navigationFunc != null ? navigationFunc(db.Employee) : db.Employee;
    var employee = await query.Where(x => whereFunc(x)).ToListAsync();
    return employee;

The implmentation looks simple and straightfoward: just extract the where and navigation Func<> to a function.

However, the above function has severe perfomance issue: when we execute the function, it retrieves all data from the table and locally applies where filter. Actually, the underlying mechanism is not that simple as entity framework will compile the expression and translated to SQL statements, though it looks like just a syntactic sugar.

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Install an old library lightsquid on Ubuntu 20.04. When visit the cgi, internal server error pops up.

Debug the cgi by directly run it in /var/www/lightsquid:

/var/www/lightsquid$ perl index.cgi
Can't locate in @INC (you may need to install the CGI module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.30.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.30.0 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.30 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.30 /usr/share/perl/5.30 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base) at index.cgi line 19.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at index.cgi line 19.

Seems that some modules are missing, after several search:

Combined with the error message:

$ apt install libcgi-pm-perl

Then it works:

/var/www/lightsquid$ perl index.cgi
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

  <META name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">
  <META name="generator" content="LightSquid -">
  <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=US-ASCII">

BBR 是Google 2016年提出的TCP 拥塞控制算法,可以显著地提升Server的吞吐率并降低延迟。在VPS上实测效果非常明显,将VPS的下载速度由10Mbps左右提升至约50Mbps,自动视频质量也由240p升至1080p。

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View the generated SQL query by entity framework is important. The translated SQL query may not what you expected. Sometimes it leads to significant performance issue.

Print the generated query for an IQueryable<T> in EF Core is different with EF. Finally I found a worked solution which is listed below.

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2020-11-28更新: 经过四个多月的肌肉练习(引体向上,核心肌群训练,跑步,羽毛球),肩颈疼痛症状显著缓解,坚持锻炼两个月后,落枕、脖子活动受限的情况基本就没再发生过,现在的情况就更好了。全身性的肌肉训练效果还是很好的,亲测推荐!



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